Tubes made by me (greyscales from K4U) : Faith - 169 Tubes Tubes made by me (LinesBB) : Coffee Beans Snowman Snowy - 555 Tubes
Update November 2011
Tubes made by me (greyscales from K4U) : Amber Fae - 901 Tubes
Update October 2011
Tubes made by me : - Greyscales from MD (closed) : Sabrina Witch - 700 Tubes - Lines from BB : . Di Da Dotties Thanksgiving - 599 Tubes . Emilia Witch - 1 123 Tubes
Update September 2011
Tubes made by me (greyscales from K4U) : . Sybil - 987 Tubes . Millie Fall - 1 312 Tubes AS IS Greyscales from MD (closed) : Ashia - 45 Greyscales AS IS Lines from FPD : Funny Mushrooms with props - 40 Lines
Update August 2011
Tubes made by me (greyscales from K4U) : Danika set 4 - 2 013 Tubes
Update July 2011
Tubes made by me (greyscales from K4U) : Danika set 5 - 634 Tubes
Update the 13th May 2011
Opening the 8th May 2011
9 Packs Tubes bought for you
- As Is Tubes from LPH (closed) : Irene Halloween - 30 Tubes Nicolina Halloween - 40 Tubes Minna Christmas - 60 Tubes Rosie Christmas - 40 Tubes Beeper Christmas - 90 Tubes April Christmas - 30 Tubes